Campground serial killer? PlusFarah Fawcetts son in jail on suicide watch

Published: Oct. 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

b"The arrest of a man dressed in black, armed with a rifle and described as a survivalist may be connected to a series of shootings at a popular camping area in Southern California, including one that resulted in the death of scientist Tristan Baudette. Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies captured Anthony Rauda, 42, while investigating a series of burglaries around Malibu Creek State Park. Nancy looks at the case with\\xa0psychologist\\xa0Caryn Stark,\\xa0lawyer\\xa0Kathleen Murphy,\\xa0forensics expert Karen Smith, and\\xa0reporter\\xa0Larry Meagher. Also Nancy is joined by\\xa0drug addiction specialist\\xa0Brad Lamm and\\ reporter\\xa0Alexis Tereszcuk to update the sad saga of Redmond O'Neal, the son of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal."