Published: Nov. 16, 2023, 6 p.m.


\\xa0A young nurse, separated from her husband, joins friends and co-workers for an evening out after their shift. She\'s standing alone as her friends dance when she\'s approached by a well-dressed man. They dance and then continue their conversation. He says his name is Bob White and would like to see the nurse again. She agrees and a few days later, the pair meet at a local coffee bar type restaurant.


A few strange comments, and a few odd questions later, the nurse realizes she has made a mistake. Her contact with this strange man must end.\\xa0 \\xa0Then the nurse make a stunning discovery. Bob White is really Dennis Rader.\\xa0


Gina Rodriquez is the nurse and she joins Nancy Grace to tell her story of how she met and survived BTK, the sadistic serial killer that held Wichita and the nation captive in a decades long nightmare.\\xa0\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Gina Rodriguez - Had a coffee date with BTK in Wichita February 1974\\xa0
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  • Dale Carson- High Profile Criminal Defense Attorney (Jacksonville), Former FBI Agent, Former Police Officer (Miami-Dade County), Author: "Arrest-Proof Yourself\\u201d,\\, Twitter: @DaleCarsonLaw\\xa0
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  • Dr. Joni Johnston - Forensic psychologist and private investigator, performs risk and threat assessments on violent offenders, Author: \\u201cSerial Killers: 101 Questions True Crime Fans Ask\\u201d,\\
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  • Sheryl McCollum -\\xa0Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder,\\,\\xa0Host of new podcast: Zone 7,\\xa0Twitter: @ColdCaseTips\\xa0
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  • Sheriff Eddie Virden - Osage County, Assembled the BTK task force,\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0
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