BONUS: Dont Miss Scampranuer!

Published: May 1, 2023, 8:04 p.m.


In this bonus episode of "Crime Stories," Nancy Grace dives into the new Fox Nation series "Scampranuer." Fox Nation\\u2019s \\u201cScampranuer\\u201d delves into the elaborate scams of three con artists - Elizabeth Holmes, Kari Ferrell, and Anthony Gignac. Find out how they were caught and convicted. Through interviews with investigators, victims, and whistleblowers, discover the outrageous lies and manipulations these master scammers used to swindle money, fortune, and fame. From Holmes\' fraudulent medical technology company to Ferrell\'s scams of family and friends, to Gignac\'s fake persona as a Saudi prince, this series will take you on a wild ride of true crime stories. "Scampranuer\\u201d is streaming now EXCLUSIVELY on Fox Nation.



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