BOMBSHELL! Sex killer Jodi Arias ensnares new boyfriend. Part 1

Published: Jan. 8, 2020, 6 p.m.

b'Convicted killer Jodi Arias has a new boyfriend. Benjamin Ernst\\xa0apparently visits the cold-blooded murderer several times a month in prison.\\n\\nMeanwhile, Arias, who\'s behind bars for slashing and shooting former boyfriend Travis Alexander to death, is waiting on an appeal decision. Her attorneys declared her murder trial "unfair," citing a media frenzy and a supposed corrupt prosecutor.\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace to discuss:Kirk Nurmi:\\xa0Arias\'\\xa0former Attorney & Author of "Trapped with Ms\\xa0Arias"\\xa0Bobby Chacon: Former Special Agent FBI, Star of FB Watch Series, "Curse of Akakor"\\xa0Dr. Caryn Stark:\\xa0PsychologistJoe Scott Morgan:\\xa0Forensic Expert, Professor of Forensics & Author of "Blood Beneath My Feet"Alexis Tereschuk:\\xa0Investigative Reporter at\\'