Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: What Happened to Harmony Montgomery?

Published: Feb. 25, 2024, 2 p.m.


Harmony Montgomery was missing for two years before anyone looked for her. Police began looking for a 7-year-old girl and soon realized they might really be looking for remains of a 5-year-old girl. She is still among the missing but presumed dead. Her father stood trial for her murder. Join Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack as they investigate the heartbreaking story of a little girl who never had a chance, and the forensics that just might get justice for her yet.\\xa0




Transcript Highlights


01:34.45 Joe talks about memory\\xa0


04:22.26 Discussion of years since Harmony has been seen\\xa0


07:22.44 Talk about Harmony, looked nervous\\xa0


10:09.25 Harmony was never enrolled in school\\xa0


14:36.89 Discussion of police find Harmony\'s Dad\\xa0


20:32.13 Talk about moment of clarity\\xa0


25:22.45 Discussion of what really happened to Harmony\\xa0


31:02.25 Discussion of waiting 2 years to call about child\\xa0


35:18.87 Discussion about life lived in a car\\xa0


38:25.26 Talk about neither adult checking on Harmony\\xa0


43:49.54 Discussion of carrying Harmony\\xa0


45:43.17 Finally went too far, hit too hard\\xa0


50:51.68 Discussion perfect hiding spot was found\\xa0


54:25.15 Discussion about how body is stored\\xa0


59:33.43 Talk about using bathtub for dismemberment\\xa0


59:19.23 Discussion of what might be found of Harmony\\xa0

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