Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: The Nitrogen Execution Experiment

Published: Feb. 4, 2024, 2 p.m.


Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack will tell the story of a murder and why the man convicted of the murder will be put to death in a very unique way. Kenneth Eugene Smith was convicted of the 1988 murder-for-hire of Elizabeth Sennett. Pastor Charles Sennett recruited Billy Gray Williams to kill his wife Elizabeth and Williams hired John Forrest Parker and Kenneth Eugene Smith to carry out the murder. A week after the murder the Charles Sennett confessed to his family then shot himself in the head. Williams, Parker, and Smith were arrested and charged and convicted. Williams was sentenced to life and died in prison in 2020. Parker and Smith were sentenced to death. Parker was executed by lethal injection in 2010. Smith was scheduled to be executed in November of 2022 but the execution team was unable to connect the intravenous lines before time ran out. After much debate, the state agreed not to try lethal injection again on Smith but would instead use a method of execution, Nitrogen Hypoxia. Joseph Scott Morgan will explain what it is and why it is being tried for the first time...ever.\\xa0




Transcript Highlights\\xa0\\xa0


00:02:29 Joe talks about travel\\xa0


00:05:55 Talk Investigation of murder\\xa0


00:06:41 Talk about experience as death investigator\\xa0


00:08:37 Discuss sharing PTSD\\xa0


00:12:18 Talk about nitrogen\\xa0\\xa0


00:14:21 Discussion Death Penalty\\xa0


00:18:56 Talk about execution used to be public \\xa0


00:21:30 Discussion about new method\\xa0


00:23:13 Talk about the Crime \\xa0


00:25:51 Talk Murder-for-Hire plot\\xa0


00:27:31 Discussion public execution\\xa0


00:30:24 Talk about the debate to come\\xa0


00:35:17 Discussion Is there a \\u201cbest way\\u201d to kill somebody\\xa0


00:38:22 Talk about assisted suicide\\xa0

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