Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: Murder or Suicide - The Wild Life and Sad Death of Alex Pennig

Published: March 3, 2024, 3:46 p.m.


A Minnesota man claims his mistress fatally shot herself with his gun. The question of Murder or Suicide plays out in this episode of Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan. Joe will walk you through all of the forensic problems with the story being told. And when everything is said and done, you decide, was it murder, or suicide?




Transcript Highlights\\xa0


00:01:20 Would a right-handed person use left hand to shoot\\xa0


00:02:19 Discuss murder or suicide\\xa0


00:04:15 Talk about \\u201caccidental\\u201d\\xa0


00:05:51Discuss science and determination\\xa0


00:11:16 How quick does a body become stiff\\xa0


00:13:50 Different jurisdictions\\xa0


00:18:25 Talk about the scene\\xa0


00:21:40 Difference in suicide among genders\\xa0


00:26:27Discuss drying blood\\xa0


00:29:31Discuss ER Nurse can\\u2019t do CPR\\xa0


00:33:14 Talk about short timeline\\xa0


00:38:50 Discuss can you wash away evidence?\\xa0


00:41:36 Talk about skin, brain, muzzle flash \\xa0


00:44:14 Discuss desire to help people and achieve and throw it all away\\xa0



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