Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: Abandoned in Concrete - Georgia's Baby Jane Doe

Published: Feb. 11, 2024, 2 p.m.


A road crew in south west Georgia finds on old console tv at an illegal dumpsite on the side of a country highway. As they try to move the tv, the workers find a suitcase inside, too heavy to just be filled with clothes. As they open the suitcase, they open up a mystery that will last decades. Inside the suitcase is cement, and poking out of the cement, the body of a small child. Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack will help tell the story of Baby Jane Doe, the girl thrown away like garbage, and the people who spent 35-years trying to find out her name.\\xa0


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Transcribe Highlights\\xa0


00:00:37 Trash Dump off the side of road\\xa0


00:01:46 Talk about abandoned child \\xa0


00:02:29 Discussion of life\\xa0


00:03:16 Talk about the case, started in 1988\\xa0


00:05:59 Discussion of area\\xa0


00:10:54 Talk about getting body out of cement\\xa0


00:13:30 Discussion of cement wouldn\\u2019t encase everything\\xa0


00:16:48 Talk about mixing concrete and body\\xa0


00:19:42 Evidence at scene leads to home\\xa0


00:22:32 Talk about body breaking down in cement\\xa0


00:25:32 Discussion of investigators \\xa0


00:28:37 Talk about technology catching up \\xa0


00:31:02 This case hasn\\u2019t been to trial yet\\xa0


00:33:58 Talk about Genetic Genealogy\\xa0


00:35:39 Discussion can there be justice \\xa0

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