Body Bags With Joseph Scott Morgan: A Huge Problem - Body Builder Murders Ex-Wife Katie Baunach

Published: Dec. 11, 2022, 11:04 p.m.


Katie Baunach is last seen alive on September 29th, 2022, when she tells a friend she is going to her ex-husband\'s home to pick up some of her belongings. She obtained a restraining order from him the previous month after allegations he had abused one of their children. When police went to investigate the house they detected \\u201csigns of a physical struggle\\u201d and upon looking further found something much more sinister.


In this episode of Body Bags, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan and Jackie Howard discuss how luminol is used to detect blood, the difficulties of burning a body, non-specific homicidal trauma, \\u201croid rage\\u201d, and more.\\xa0\\xa0


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Show Notes:


0:00 - Intro


1:25 - Background and overview of the case


2:58 - Moving of the car


5:40 - Using luminol to detect blood\\xa0


12:13 - Who invented spraying blood with luminol to see it under a black light?


14:30 - The difficulties of burning a body


20:34 - Why did the barrel smell of decay? (check)


22:18 - Moving the body


24:10 - How do you determine the cause of death for a body that had been moved multiple times?


26:50 - Non-specific homicidal trauma


30:02 - Dealing with stress


30:33 - Police find suspicious substances


34:03 - What is \\u201croid rage\\u201d and what causes it?


40:45 - Wrap up

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