Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: A Cold-Blooded Christmas - the Sturmfels Murder

Published: Nov. 12, 2023, 2 p.m.


Robert and Georgette Sturmfels, spending the winter holiday season in their cozy Florida home, are blissfully unaware that their lives are about to be irrevocably shattered. Tragically, their lives abruptly end on December 20, 1989, as they become the victims of a chilling double homicide. In this episode, Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack delve into the horrifying details of the Sturmfels\' murders. They meticulously unravel the case, from the suspect\'s choice of a 22-caliber rifle to the unsettling finality of the crime scene. The conversation goes beyond the murder itself to examine its broader implications, such as the weapon\'s surprising lethality, common misconceptions about gunshot wounds, and the cold-blooded nature of the perpetrator.


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00:00:00 \\u2014 Joseph Scott Morgan starts off with a touching reflection on Christmas. From stress to joy, his sentiments evolve over time, especially as he becomes a grandfather.


At 00:01:20 \\u2014 The tragic case of Robert and Georgette Sturmfels is introduced by Joe Scott. Their murder in Florida sets the stage for a disconcerting episode.


00:04:20 \\u2014 Diving deeper, Joseph Scott Morgan paints a vivid picture of the Sturmfels\' murder. He describes the horrific scene in disquieting detail.


00:05:20 \\u2014 Louis Gaskin, the suspect, is discussed by Dave Mack. He outlines Gaskin\'s ruthlessness and the premeditation behind the crime.


00:06:20 \\u2014 Weaponry is the topic as Joe Scott and Dave debate the lethal nature of a 22-caliber rifle used in the crime.


00:08:00 \\u2014 A lesson in firearms ensues as Joseph Scott Morgan distinguishes between long arms and pistols, explaining why the latter is more easily concealed.


00:10:20 \\u2014 Unveiling the crime, Dave shares how Louis Gaskin meticulously planned, and executed the murders of the Sturmfels couple.


00:12:20 \\u2014 Debunking Hollywood myths, Joseph Scott Morgan explains that gunshot wounds are not just dramatic effects; victims often realize they\'ve been shot and experience pain.


00:13:00 \\u2014 Gaskin\'s own words add horror to the narrative as Dave recounts the unsettling sounds Mrs. Sturmfels made during her final moments.


00:14:20 \\u2014 Joe Scott dives into the world of forensics, explaining how a gunshot through glass has implications on bullet behavior. He describes how the bullet\\u2019s trajectory and energy are affected upon impact.


00:17:04 \\u2014 Joseph Scott Morgan elaborates on snipers and the adjustments they have to make due to the influence of gravity on bullets, especially when glass is involved.


00:20:36 \\u2014 The episode\\u2019s atmosphere becomes tenser as Morgan and Mack discuss Gaskin\'s execution of Mr. Sturmfels and his chilling confession.


00:21:00 \\u2014 The term "death wheeze" is introduced as Joe Scott explains the physiological impact of a gunshot wound to the lungs.


00:24:01 \\u2014 Dave summarizes Gaskin\'s crime spree; from killing to covering the bodies with blankets and burglary.


00:24:35\\xa0 \\u2014 Gaskin, dressed in all black and carrying a 22 rifle, drives to the home of Joseph and Mary Rector, where he shoots at them after waking them up.


00:26:20 \\u2014 Dave Mack discusses the gunshot wounds and how the Rectors managed to escape.


00:28:20 \\u2014 The hosts ponder Gaskin\'s motivations, diving into the psychology behind these appalling acts.


00:33:40 \\u2014 The episode concludes with Joseph Scott Morgan revealing the final fate of the killer, a grim but just end to a twisted journey.

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