Body Bags | Sweet Grandmother Has Arm Torn Off During Carjacking, But Where is the Blood

Published: Jan. 21, 2024, 2 p.m.


The last thing Linda Frickey heard as she lay beaten, bruised, with her arm ripped off her body, was a friendly voice saying, "we\'ll pray for you,"


The 73-year-old woman was the victim of a carjacking that was pre-planned by a group of 4 thugs in New Orleans, the oldest only 17 years old. Join Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack as they go behind the headlines on the story of a loving grandmother that died in a gruesome way, with her arm torn off her body. But witnesses ask; Where\'s the blood?






Transcript Highlights\\xa0\\xa0


00:01:29 Talk about Grandmothers\\xa0


00:04:45 Joe doesn\\u2019t want his hometown tarnished \\xa0


00:05:31 Discussion about Carjacking\\xa0


00:08:37 Talk about 18-year-old taking a life\\xa0


00:10:20 Joe talks about living in this area of NOLA\\xa0


00:11:08 Discussion about witnesses\\xa0


00:13:45 Talk about ringleader John Honore\\xa0


00:15:38 Talk about being dragged two blocks\\xa0\\xa0


00:21:00 Talk about criminals attacked woman from behind\\xa0


00:22:44 Discussion of being stuck, drug down the block \\xa0


00:24:59 Discussion having arm ripped off your body\\xa0


00:27:21 Talk about how witness covered her body\\xa0


00:29:24 Discussion of damage done to police officer drug in similar way\\xa0


00:31:48 Talk about the last thing Mrs. Frickey heard was \\u201cwe\\u2019re praying for you\\xa0


00:34:07 Discussion of what happened to the blood?\\xa0


00:40:48 Talk about determining cause of death\\xa0


00:45:37 Talk about how Mrs. Frickey was beaten in car, then drug down street\\xa0


00:48:18 Discussion about CCTV cameras\\xa0


00:49:44 Suspect has been sentenced to prison\\xa0



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