Bill Cosby granted appeal in Pennsylvania sex assault case

Published: June 25, 2020, 5 p.m.

b'The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal of Bill Cosby\\u2019s 2018 sexual assault conviction. The decision will allow five additional accusers to testify, along with Cosby\\u2019s claim that a prosecutor once told him he would not face charges.\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace today:Jim Elliott-\\xa0Attorney with Butler Snow, legal counsel for various Georgia municipalities and other governmental entitiesDr. Angela Arnold -\\xa0Psychiatrist, Atlanta GaCloyd Steiger\\xa0\\u2013 36 years with Seattle Police Department, 22-year homicide detective, Author of \\u201cSeattle\\u2019s Forgotten Serial Killer: Gary Gene Grant\\u201dLevi Page - Investigative reporter CrimeOnline'