Barbie doll left on tot-girl's grave offers clue in rape, murder of 6-year-old girl

Published: March 6, 2019, 5:57 p.m.

b'Whoever left a vintage Barbie doll on the grave of a little girl raped and murdered in 1995 may have provided a key piece of evidence to solve the cold case: DNA. Utah investigators are asking for public help in identifying the person who placed the doll on the grave of Rosie Tapia, who was just six when she died.\\xa0\\u201cTwo possible persons of interest in the case have been identified who had some fixation with Barbies,\\u201d the\\xa0Utah Cold Case Coalition\\xa0said in a news release. \\u201cBut before a costly analysis is performed on the DNA, the coalition is asking whether someone knows who placed the doll on Rosie\\u2019s grave.\\u201d\\xa0She was\\xa0abducted from the bedroom of her Salt Lake City home. Her remains were discovered \\u201cseveral hours later in a canal off the Jordan River.\\u201d\\xa0Nancy Grace looks at the investigation with Cold Case Research Institute Director\\xa0Sheryl McCollum,\\xa0Atlanta criminal lawyer\\xa0Darryl Cohen, psycho analyst\\xa0Dr Bethany Marshall, and reporter\\xa0John Lemley.'