Another Tampa serial killer victim! Dad dead after teens toss rocks onto road; Vet dies as nurses laugh

Published: Nov. 15, 2017, 5:55 p.m.

b'A man on his way to do volunteer work for homeless the 4th\\xa0victim of a serial killer terrorizing Tampa, Florida. WFLA reporter Meredyth Censullo updates Nancy Grace on the search for the killer. Forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, psycho analyst Dr. Bethany Marshall and defense lawyer Troy Slaten join the discussion. Police say teens who dropped a rock from an overpass killing a father were engaged in a game. Reporter Larry Meagher and radio host David Mack join Grace, Morgan, Marshall and Slaten to talk about the case. Atlanta TV host Vinnie Politan visits with Nancy to discuss his 11Alive \\u201cLate Feed\\u201d show\\u2019s exclusive reporting on hidden camera video that allegedly shows nurses ignoring an dying veteran\\u2019s pleas for help.'