Alleged Steroid-Popping ex-Marine Wanted for Young Mom's Murder Captured Abroad

Published: Sept. 9, 2022, 5 p.m.


Raymond "RJ" McLeod, Jr. is arrested in El Salvador on murder charges.


The ex-Marine had been on the run for six years after the brutal death of 30-year-old Krystal Mitchell. The young mom was found beaten and strangled in a San Diego condominium in June 2016. The pair had been dating just a few weeks when they took a vacation trip.\\xa0


By the time police arrived at the apartment when Mitchell and McLeod were staying with his friends, McLeod had fled in Krystal\\u2019s car, which was found at the San Diego airport.\\xa0 McLeod then rented a car at the airport and drove into Mexico. From there he traveled to Belize, and on into El Salvador. McLeod was reportedly working as a teacher.\\xa0\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Josephine Wentzel - Victim\'s Mother, Founder, "Angels of Justice", Author: "THE CHASE: In Hot Pursuit of My Daughter\\u2019s Killer",, Victim Advocate: The Cold Case Foundation, Twitter: @ANGELSOFJUSTIC2,
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  • Matthew Mangino - Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County), Former Parole Board Member, Author: "The Executioner\'s Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States",, Twitter: @MatthewTMangino \\xa0
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  • Dr. Michael Bourke - Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Former Chief of the United States Marshals Service\\u2019s Behavioral Analysis Unit,
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  • Frankie Sanchez - Regional Chief of US Marshal Task Force, Los Angeles
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  • Dr. Kendall Crowns \\u2013 Chief Medical Examiner Tarrant County (Ft Worth), Lecturer: University of Texas Austin and Texas Christian University Medical School
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  • Dave Mack - Crime Online Investigative Reporter
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