Alleged perv arrested in school girl Hania Aguilar kidnap-murder; Beautiful mom stabbed dead giving money to lady panhandler

Published: Dec. 10, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

b'The man charged with kidnapping Hania Aguilar from her Lumberton, North Carolina, home, raping the 13-year-old girl and leaving her body in a pond a few mile away was arrested while he was already in jail for an attempted carjacking. Nancy Grace looks at the case against 34-year-old\\xa0Michael Ray McLellan. Her expert panel includes\\xa0Joseph Scott Morgan, forensics expert, Kathleen Murphy, a North Carolina family and divorce lawyer, Dr. Brian Russell, a psychologist and lawyer, and reporter Robyn Walensky. Nancy is also joined by\\xa0Atlanta juvenile judge & lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott and\\xa0reporter\\xa0John Lemley to discuss the murder of a woman who was stabbed by a panhandler who she gave $10 on a Baltimore street.'