Accused CHILD sex perv Ghislaine Maxwell to walk free?

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, 5 p.m.

b'Friends of disgraced socialite Ghislaine Maxwell want her released on bail. Brian Basham says Maxwell is starving and is humiliated by having to wear prison-issue paper clothes with no bra. All this comes on after the release of a 400-page deposition regarding her involvement in Jeffrey Epstein\'s sex crimes.\\n\\nJoining Nancy Grace Today:Anne\\xa0Bremner\\xa0-\\xa0Seattle Washington, Trial AttorneyCaryn Stark - NYC Psychologist,\\xa0Bobby Chacon - Former Special Agent FBI,\\xa0screenwriter on "Criminal Minds"Melissa Cronin - Investigative Journalist and Author of, "Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales"'