ACCUSED: Alabama Chiropractor Doses Wife With Lead

Published: March 9, 2023, 6 p.m.


Hannah Pettey starts taking a new dietary supplement recommended by her chiropractor husband. The vitamins are supposed to boost her immune system but Pettey ends up at the University of Alabama at Birmingham hospital for a diagnosis and treatment.


Pettey\\u2019s diagnosis was lead poisoning. For two months, Pettey is hospitalized. The question is, however, how does an adult woman get lead poisoning?\\xa0\\xa0


Joining Nancy Grace today:

  • Matthew T. Mangino-Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County), Author: "The Executioner\'s Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States"
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  • Caryn Stark- Psychologist- Trauma and Crime Expert; Twitter:\\xa0@carnpsych\\xa0\\xa0
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  • Robert Crispin - Private Investigator, Former Federal Task Force Officer for United States Department of Justice, DEA, and Miami Field Division; Former Homicide and Crimes Against Children Investigator; \\u201cCrispin Special Investigations;\\u201d Facebook: Crispin Special Investigations, Inc.
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  • Dr. William\\xa0Morrone \\u2013 Toxicologist, Chief Medical Examiner (Bay County Michigan); Author: "American Narcan: Naloxone & Heroin-Fentanyl Associated Mortality"
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  • Caitlyn Becker- Senior Reporter for; Twitter: @caitlynbecker
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