911 call released: Kidnapped teen Jayme Closs tells dog walker: 'You gotta help me!'

Published: Jan. 15, 2019, 6:09 p.m.

b"The 911 call recording of a woman reporting that Jayme Closs was in her home reveals the dramatic moment the Wisconsin teen was finally safe 87 days after her parents were murdered and she was kidnapped. Nancy Grace listens to the call and discusses what was learned at kidnap-murder suspect Jake Patterson's first court appearance. Grace's panel includes\\xa0forensics expert\\xa0Karen Smith,\\xa0Atlanta juvenile judge & lawyer\\xa0Ashley Willcott,\\xa0forensic psychiatrist\\xa0Dr. Daniel Bober,\\xa0Southern California prosecutor\\xa0Wendy Patrick, and\\xa0syndicated radio host\\xa0David Mack."