Legislative Wrap Up: The CROWN Act

Published: Oct. 6, 2023, 10 a.m.


This session, Minnesota joined a growing list of states enacting the CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful & Open World for Natural Hair). This amendment to the Minnesota Human Rights Act protects individuals from discrimination due to their natural hair. This comes as more and more stories emerge of BIPOC, especially Black, athletes having to cut their hair to participate and the long running concept that natural hair is \\u201cunprofessional.\\u201d For our conversation on this form of forced assimilation, we welcome two guest co-hosts: Katya Zepeda and Stephanie Williams.\\xa0

Guest: Rep. Esther Agbaje

One pager on The CROWN Act: https://mn.gov/mdhr/assets/Preventing-Hair-Discrimination-FactSheet_tcm1061-562859.pdf
