Rain International w/ Ms.B - Rain Soul Product & Business Webinar Presentation With Byron Belka

Published: Nov. 11, 2016, 6 p.m.

b'Rain International w/ Ms.B - Rain Soul Product & Business Webinar Presentation With Byron Belka

Published on Dec 26, 2014

Ms. B will provide weekly podcasts that will highlight product reviews, interviews and testiomonials to inform you of the benefits of the products offered and the potential increase of income as a company member.

Our mission is to continually move forward. If we begin to feel comfortable, we know it\\u2019s time to push ahead again. We\\u2019ve found ways to do spread goodness through our products, business, and charity work. There are many issues in the word, and we want to help solve them.

With the creation of Soul, a new health category was introduced: seed-based nutrition. Along with the creation of this new category, combinations of health benefits became available that were never conceived before. Our seed-based supplements are potent, natural sources of nutrition that don\\u2019t include the potentially harmful or useless fillers that are found in pills, capsules, extracts, oils, etc.

visit myrainlife.com/ms.b'