#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #RonaldKessler #TomDelBeccaro #ChristineHicks #Biden-Harris #PresidentialDebate #JudgeBarrett #Caucasus 10-1-20

Published: Oct. 2, 2020, 1:46 a.m.


Ronald Kessler, former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal investigative reporter, and the author of “The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game.” TOPIC: Joe Biden as revealed by secret service agents!!

Tom Del Beccaro is respected thinker, author, speaker. He’s a columnist for Fox News, Fox Business & the Epoch Times. Tom is the former Chairman of the California Republican Party and former U.S. Senate Candidate from California. Tom is author of The Divided Era AND The New Conservative Paradigm, and is publisher of — Political Vanguard.com and TomDel.com. Tom is also radio and television commentator — heard and seen by millions — including Fox Business, Newsmax, One America News, and of course, here at the Conservative Commandos on the AUN-TV network! TOPICS: Presidential Debate and Supreme Court!!

Christine Hicks, a commonsense constitutional conservative - from a deep blue state. She loves her country, appreciates its history, and believes in freedom as a governing philosophy! She knows what it is like to be outnumbered by Leftists! We will discuss with Christine the Presidential debate, what went well, what didn’t go well, the lapses by the moderator, why it may not matter that much that the debate was generally panned by critics. TOPIC:Biden-Harris ticket will struggle to convince voters!!

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #RonaldKessler #TomDelBeccaro #ChristineHicks #Biden-Harris #PresidentialDebate #JudgeBarrett #Caucasus #SecretService #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #Biden #HunterBiden #FordFoundation #California # SupremeCourt #JusticeGinsburg #NOBELPRIZE #Antifa-BLMViolence #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Pelosi #RedFlag #NDAA #GunControl #COVIDbailout #StolenElections #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #China #Facebook #TrumpAdministration #ImmigrationPolicies #USMCA #TrumpRally #FaceMasks #SocialDistancing#GavinNewsome #INSURRECTIONACT#GeorgeFloyd #RIOTERS #BIDEN #ANTIFA #China #ConstitutionalAbuses #ChineseVirus #SpaceX #Newsom #JusticeDepartment #LindseyGraham #Pornography #Obama #StimulusPackages #IndependentWomen’sForum #FirstLibertyInstitute #Socialism #pandemic #Trump'sImmigrationPause #Hydroxychloroquine