#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #RickManning #GroverNorquist #DrSyedHaider # RaidDonaldTrump'sEstate #ClimateChange # ReconciliationBill #M 8-9-22

Published: Aug. 10, 2022, 1:31 a.m.

b'8-9-2022 BROADCASTERS LINK... CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS RADIO SHOW.8-8-22 .. FBI raid on Donald Trump\'s Estate!!

Rick Manning is a Conservative Commandos and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump\\u2019s transition team. And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker \\u2014 "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!\\u201d TOPIC: FBI raid on Donald Trump\'s Estate

Grover Norquist is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan\\u2019s request. ATR works to limit the size and cost of government and opposes higher taxes at the federal, state, and local levels and supports tax reform that moves towards taxing consumed income one time at one rate. TOPIC: List of Tax Hikes in Democrat Reconciliation Bill

Dr. Syed Haider, MD has over 10 years of experience as an internal medicine trained hospital doctor. Since December 2020, at mygotodoc Dr Haider has prescribed off label meds to 1000s of patients for COVID prevention and treatment as well as for long haul COVID and vax injuries.
After researching smallpox and monkeypox he launched his latest initiative at mygotostack.com, providing the public with a proven way to be prepared and treat the latest health emergency. TOPIC: AS THE GLOBALIST PREPARE TO ROLL OUT MONKEYPOX DR. HAIDER ADVISES BE PREPARED NOT SCARED

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #RickManning #GroverNorquist #DrSyedHaider # RaidDonaldTrump\'sEstate #ClimateChange # ReconciliationBill #MONKEYPOX #DrainTheSwamp #SouthwestAirlines #SupremeCourt # Roe-vWade #JAN6TH #Abortion #GunControl #Monkeypox #GunCrime #TikTok # 2000Mules #FreeSpeech #INFLATION #Uvalde #ElectionFraud #WHO #SCOTUS-Leak #Newsom #ElonMusk #Twitter #JackDorsey #FaceBook #MarkZuckerberg #BallotHarvesting #2020ELECTION #UKRAINIAN #ElectionFraud #ObamaCare #ThomasMoreSociety #ElectionAuditNow.org #GavinNewsom #TrumpRallies #BidenBombshell!! #AmyComeyBarrett #Fracking #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar #InfectThePresident #Biden-Harris #LessGovernment #JudgeBarrett #Caucasus #SecretService #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #Biden #HunterBiden #FordFoundation #California # SupremeCourt #JusticeGinsburg #NOBELPRIZE #Antifa-BLMViolence #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Pelosi #RedFlag #NDAA #GunControl #COVIDbailout #StolenElections #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #China #Facebook #TrumpAdministration #ImmigrationPolicies #USMCA #TrumpRally #FaceMasks #SocialDistancing#GavinNewsome #INSURRECTIONACT#GeorgeFloyd #RIOTERS #BIDEN #ANTIFA #China #ConstitutionalAbuses #ChineseVirus #SpaceX #Newsom #JusticeDepartment #LindseyGraham #Pornography #Obama #StimulusPackages #IndependentWomen\\u2019sForum #FirstLibertyInstitute #Socialism #pandemic #Trump\'sImmigrationPause #Hydroxychloroquine'