#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #HansVonSpakovsky #DevonWesthill #ICBMs #KarlMarx #RudyGiuliani #FBI-raid #Frankspeek.com #SecondAmendment 5-10-21

Published: May 11, 2021, 2:46 a.m.


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform -- as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. His analysis and commentary have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Politico, Human Events, National Review Online and Townhall. Along with John Fund, he is the co-author of Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk and Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department. TOPIC: Voter suppression? Dems flat-out wrong!!

Devon Westhill is president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO). Immediately prior to his selection as president and general counsel of CEO, Westhill served as the top civil rights official at the United States Department of Agriculture. Westhill’s career includes a separate presidential appointment, stints in all three branches of government and the United States Navy, and work in both private law practice and the nonprofit sector. TOPIC: Marin County’s Discriminatory ‘Universal Basic Income’ Only ‘mothers of color’ will be eligible!!

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #HansVonSpakovsky #DevonWesthill #ICBMs #KarlMarx #RudyGiuliani #FBI-raid #Frankspeek.com #SecondAmendment #GeorgeFloyd #fossil-fuel #Racist #VACCINE-PASSPORTS #Infrastructure #Israel #Terrorism #StimulusBill #Fauci #Toyota #PROAct #CLEANFutureAct #Syria #Iran #Carbon #GovernorAndrewCuomo #DonaldTrump #Angelfamilies #AngelMoms #AmericansForTaxReform #ProAct #HR1 #EqualityAct #FACE-MASKS #KAMALA #Coronavirus-Stimulus-Bill #MinimumWage #HR1 #HunterBiden #RussiaHoax #DeclarationOfIndependence # O'Biden' #GreenNewDeal #Texas #China #5G #ObamaCare #TexasEnergyCrisis #Renewables #Texas #Hydroxychloroquine #BUDGET #Iran #Anti-Gun #BLM #ANTIFA #Biden #BlackHistoryMonth #NancyPelosi #NeverTrumpers #ConvictTrump #Moscow AndrewCuomo #KeystoneXL #FatherWounds #Impeachment #ElectionIntegrity #ECONNOMY #GovNewsom #Stay-At-Home-Order #Anti-Gun #FreeSpeech #AndrewCuomo # ExecutiveOrders #CourtPacking #FreeSpeech #TrumpImpeachment #RecallGavin2020.com #UnionCorruption #Biden #FreedomFoundation #Twitter #Facebook #CancelCulture #BLM #CapitolProtests #FaceMasks #COVID-Sanity #BidenTweet #GunOwners #KEEP-NINE-AMENDMENT #Orwell #TRUMP #NATO #ElectionFraud #CapitalChaos #RIOTS #ANTIFA #DC #GeorgiaElection #NANCY-PELOSI #Biden #COVIDDeaths #ParisClimateAgreement #Texas#MaskMandate #DanishMaskStudy #BallotHarvesting #2020ELECTION #GeorgiaRecount #ElectionFraud #ObamaCare #ElectionAuditNow.org #GavinNewsom #TrumpCard #TrumpRallies #BidenBombshell!! #Fracking #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar #Biden-Harris #LessGovernment #JudgeBarrett #Caucasus #SecretService #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #Biden #HunterBiden #California # SupremeCourt #Antifa-BLMViolence #BarackObama #NDAA #GunControl #COVIDbailout #StolenElections #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #China