#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #GenPaulVallely #KelseyBolar #ColinPowell # VaccineDoubleStandard #Taliban #Racism #PoliticalHistory 10-18-21

Published: Oct. 19, 2021, 2:43 a.m.


Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (ret) graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961 serving a distinguishing career of 32 years in the Army. General Vallely served in many overseas theaters to include Europe and the Pacific Rim Countries as well as two combat tours in Vietnam. General Vallely has been a military analyst on television and radio for over ten years. He co-authored the book, \\u201cEndgame\\u201d \\u2013 Blueprint for Victory for Winning the War on Terror\\u201d, \\u201cWarfooting\\u201d and \\u201cBaghdad Ablaze\\u201d. He is a member and founder of the Iran Policy Committee. He is the Chairman of the Stand Up America US. He was the senior military analyst for the Fox News Channel from 2000 -2007. TOPIC: "I KNEW COLIN POWELL WELL"

Kelsey Bolar is a senior policy analyst at Independent Women\\u2019s Forum. She is also an editor of BRIGHT, a morning newsletter for women, by women, a contributor to The Federalist, and a senior fellow at The Steamboat Institute. She is a frequent guest on Fox News, Fox Business. Previously, Bolar worked for The Daily Signal and The Heritage Foundation as a senior writer and producer. There, she co-hosted the weekly podcast, \\u201cProblematic Women,\\u201d produced videos that received millions of views, and regularly appeared on radio and TV. TOPIC: Leaked Border Patrol Documents Reveal Biden Administration\\u2019s Vaccine Double Standard

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #GenPaulVallely #KelseyBolar #ColinPowell # VaccineDoubleStandard #Taliban #Racism #PoliticalHistory #JohnDurham #VastConspiracy #Biden #China #Gerrymandering #MYPILLOW #LibertyHealthShare #GavinNewsom #AfghanistanDebacle #CaliforniaRecall #Taliban #ClimateAlarmism #GeneralMilley #CDC #3.5TrillionBudgetDeal #InfrastructureBill #RINOS #GRASSROOTS #AndrewCuomo #LarryElder #California #Georgia-Audit-Fraud #ChineseCommunistParty #GeorgiaElectionAudit #IRSExpansion #ClimateCrisis #Biden #Kamala #CriticalRaceTheory #JusticeDepartment #JANUARY6 #Inflation #BidenAdministration #SecondAmendment #VACCINE-PASSPORTS #Terrorism #StimulusBill #Fauci #GovernorAndrewCuomo #DonaldTrump #ProAct #HR1 #EqualityAct #FACE-MASKS #Coronavirus #MinimumWage #RussiaHoax # O\'Biden\' #GreenNewDeal #ObamaCare #Hydroxychloroquine #BLM #ANTIFA #NancyPelosi #ElectionIntegrity #ECONNOMY #Anti-Gun #FreeSpeech #CourtPacking #FreeSpeech #Twitter #Facebook #CancelCulture #BLM #FaceMasks #RIOTS #ANTIFA'