#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #CatherineMortensen #JasonGuinasso #SexTrafficking #LibertyHealthShare #GavinNewsom #AfghanistanDebacle #Cal 9-14-21

Published: Sept. 15, 2021, 12:54 a.m.


Catherine Mortensen is the Vice President of Communications at Americans for Limited Government. She can be reached at cmortensen@getliberty.org. Mortensen is a former TV news anchor in New Mexico, elected official in Southern Colorado, and Capitol Hill communications director for Congressman Doug Lamborn. She also served as a spokesperson at the National Rifle Association. She has bachelor\\u2019s degrees in journalism and political science from Boston University and a master\\u2019s degree in public administration from Harvard University\\u2019s Kennedy School of Government. TOPIC: Biden\\u2019s Vaccine Mandates Disproportionately Hurting Blacks!!

Jason D. Guinasso is the Managing Partner of Hutchison & Steffen\'s Northern Nevada offices in Reno. Licensed in Nevada and California. For more than ten years, Jason has served as legal counsel for a Nevada non-profit, Awaken. Awaken\\u2019s mission is to increase awareness and education surrounding the issue of commercial sexual exploitation and to provide housing and restoration for its victims. Awaken engages in outreach and provides direct services to women and girls to help them transition out of commercial sexual exploitation. Since joining Hutchison & Steffen in November 2017, Jason has provided roughly 1,500 hours of pro bono service to Awaken and the survivors Awaken serves. TOPIC: Sex Trafficking Survivors Sue Nevada!!

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #CatherineMortensen #JasonGuinasso #SexTrafficking #LibertyHealthShare #GavinNewsom #AfghanistanDebacle #CaliforniaRecall #Taliban #ClimateAlarmism #Fauci #CDC #3.5TrillionBudgetDeal #RejectedBallots #InfrastructureBill #RINOS #GRASSROOTS #AndrewCuomo #LarryElder #California #Wokeism #Georgia-Audit-Fraud #Cuba #ChineseCommunistParty #GeorgiaElectionAudit #IRSExpansion #ClimateCrisis #Biden #Kamala #GovNewsom #Israel-Hamas #DeSantis #CHINA #CriticalRaceTheory #JusticeDepartment #JANUARY6 #Inflation #BidenAdministration #ArizonaElectionAudit #RudyGiuliani #SecondAmendment #VACCINE-PASSPORTS #Terrorism #StimulusBill #Fauci #Syria #Iran #Carbon #GovernorAndrewCuomo #DonaldTrump #ProAct #HR1 #EqualityAct #FACE-MASKS #Coronavirus #MinimumWage #RussiaHoax # O\'Biden\' #GreenNewDeal #ObamaCare #Hydroxychloroquine #Iran #Anti-Gun #BLM #ANTIFA #NancyPelosi #ConvictTrump #KeystoneXL #Impeachment #ElectionIntegrity #ECONNOMY #Anti-Gun #FreeSpeech'