#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #AdelleNazarian #DanGainor #ICBMs #KarlMarx #RudyGiuliani #FBI-raid #Frankspeek.com #SecondAmendment #George 5-6-21

Published: May 7, 2021, 12:57 a.m.


Adelle Nazarian, Senior Media Fellow for the Gold Institute for International Strategy. Adelle will discuss her recent article published at Newslooks on the UN’s recent vote to put Iran on the UN Commission on the Status of Women, a global body dedicated to the promotion of equality for women. Iran is a nation ruled by an extreme and brutal regime that treats woman as second class citizens, but in the eyes of the UN, Iran belongs on the commission. But this clearly isn’t good news for those who believe in equal treatment.

Dan Gainor, Vice Pres for Tech Watch, Business and Culture for the Media Research Center and a veteran editor whose work has been published or cited in most of the nation’s top publications and broadcast programs. Dan will discuss the recent decision by the Facebook Oversight Board to back Facebook’s decision to de-platform and silence a sitting president of the United States and now a private citizen.

#CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #AdelleNazarian #DanGainor #ICBMs #KarlMarx #RudyGiuliani #FBI-raid #Frankspeek.com #SecondAmendment #GeorgeFloyd #fossil-fuel #Racist #VACCINE-PASSPORTS #Infrastructure #Israel #Terrorism #StimulusBill #Fauci #Toyota #PROAct #CLEANFutureAct #Syria #Iran #Carbon #GovernorAndrewCuomo #DonaldTrump #Angelfamilies #AngelMoms #AmericansForTaxReform #ProAct #HR1 #EqualityAct #FACE-MASKS #KAMALA #Coronavirus-Stimulus-Bill #MinimumWage #HR1 #HunterBiden #RussiaHoax #DeclarationOfIndependence # O'Biden' #GreenNewDeal #Texas #China #5G #ObamaCare #TexasEnergyCrisis #Renewables #Texas #Hydroxychloroquine #BUDGET #Iran #Anti-Gun #BLM #ANTIFA #Biden #BlackHistoryMonth #NancyPelosi #NeverTrumpers #ConvictTrump #Moscow AndrewCuomo #KeystoneXL #FatherWounds #Impeachment #ElectionIntegrity #ECONNOMY #GovNewsom #Stay-At-Home-Order #Anti-Gun #FreeSpeech #AndrewCuomo # ExecutiveOrders #CourtPacking #FreeSpeech #TrumpImpeachment #RecallGavin2020.com #UnionCorruption #Biden #FreedomFoundation #Twitter #Facebook #CancelCulture #BLM #CapitolProtests #FaceMasks #COVID-Sanity #BidenTweet #GunOwners #KEEP-NINE-AMENDMENT #Orwell #TRUMP #NATO #ElectionFraud #CapitalChaos #RIOTS #ANTIFA #DC #GeorgiaElection #NANCY-PELOSI #Biden #COVIDDeaths #ParisClimateAgreement #Texas#MaskMandate #DanishMaskStudy #BallotHarvesting #2020ELECTION #GeorgiaRecount #ElectionFraud #ObamaCare