Episode 260: Lauren's College BFF!

Published: Aug. 2, 2023, 7:43 a.m.

b'For her first episode all by her lonesome, Lauren wanted to bring on "a guest who felt like home." Enter Brooke Berry, Lauren\'s BFF from college, whose incredible life experiences run the gamut from starting an AIDS coalition with a nun at the age of twelve, to living in South Africa, to working with Angelina Jolie (DON\'T FREAK OUT, NICOLE!). Even *more* impressive than these achievements, however, is the fact that Brooke was literally in the room for Lauren\'s first ever girl-girl kiss, which Lauren finally dishes on in detail! Brooke reveals how she knew Lauren was gay even before *Lauren* knew Lauren was gay, and shares why she thinks so many theatre boys picked her as a queer-adjacent safe haven to come out to. She also discusses the unbridled joy of her brother\'s nascent journey with gender fluidity; plus, Lauren owns up to being "devoured" by her first ever queer relationship, which saw her largely peacing out on her entire friend group. Learn from her mistakes, lesbians!!!

If you\'d like to reach out to Brooke, feel free to do so via @comingoutpod on Twitter or Instagram, or at comingoutpod@gmail.com!'