IKIGAI with Jon Aguilar

Published: May 21, 2018, 10 a.m.


While the episode was recorded quite awhile ago our new direction of leaving the episode raw and uncut starts with our conversation with Jon Aguilar.\\xa0 Few conversations and topics have resonated with me as much as this one.\\xa0 Jon is an amazing person who represents the best of us and what it means to evolve as a person.\\xa0 He posted an article on the Mixed Mental Arts Group page about the demoralization of Western Culture on people and the resulting psycho-spiritual crisis.\\xa0 There\'s a link to the article here.\\xa0 Beyond the typical rhetoric of complaining about these things and simply whining about things that are wrong Jon has dedicated his life to doing something about it.\\xa0 He\'s found that in discovering passion, purpose and prosperity in his profession of dry stone and dedication to bringing the benefits of it to his fellow man he and those around him are flourishing.\\xa0 \\xa0IKIGAI is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being" and is the basis for what he does.\\xa0\\xa0

The artwork for this episode is not simply a nice visual it is actually a project Jon and his team built.\\xa0 There is no mortar in the joints of the image you see above and every single piece is made to fit with the others.\\xa0 It\'s a modern day masterpiece of not only art but function.\\xa0 Find numerous pictures of Jon\'s work now and keeping up with his company\'s efforts HERE on Instagram.\\xa0\\xa0

Jon is the husband of Jenni Aguilar who we had on our podcast a few weeks ago discussing our primal brain.\\xa0\\xa0

Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

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We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

Please contact us at\\xa0sean@thecometothetablepodcast.com\\xa0for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.\\xa0

You can find us, listen and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, Sound Cloud, iHeart Radio and Cast Box.

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A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy\\xa0for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music.\\xa0 Check out the\\xa0Ruach Guitar Facebook Page\\xa0he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram.\\xa0 \\xa0We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly.\\xa0 \\xa0\\u05ea\\u05d5\\u05d3\\u05d4 David!
