Teamwork with Sean OGrady E50

Published: Feb. 14, 2020, 6:05 p.m.

b"Sean O'Grady, senior front end developer at, answers questions posed by students from the Clonmel Digital Campus.

00:44 SOG what is Creative Media and Design today?

01:26 Where did Sean start? He was remoting for three years.

01:43 Job hunting via Twitter.

01:53 Sean troubleshot the app form.

02:15 LIT prepared me.

02:24 Sean and first CMS.

0238 Scripting skills were shocking.

02:54 Be passionate. Know your strengths.

03:05 Teamwork\\u2019s hiring process.

05:16 On the job standards.

05:51 How do you upskill?

06:56 Recognising the code from the front end.

07:37 Interns at

07:59 What programs should you know? VJS and Goal line in use. React would help.

08:30 Effective planning for interaction design.

08:49 The first question you should ask.

08:49 Templating interaction design. Photoshop. Sketch.

09:51 Improving the Design System.

11:13 The first step of interaction design is always research.

12:05 Collaboration and testing inside

13:31 Barking leads to Episode 51."