London Episode 06 The Houses of Parliament

Published: Feb. 17, 2021, 7:02 p.m.

b"The building might be a stunning Victorian gothic pile, but the history of the Houses of Parliament goes much, much further back than that. \\xa0Hear some of the highlights, together with snippets from the speeches which made the greatest impact, and find out too what to look out for on a visit. \\xa0We'll be popping next door to Westminster Hall too, the scene of some of the country's most momentous occasions: coronation feasts, the trials of traitors and a king, and visits from a pope and an American president.\\n\\n\\n\\nCity Breaks: all the history and culture you'd research for yourself if you had the time!Check our website to find more episodes from our London series or to browse our back catalogue of other cities which are well worth visiting:\\nWe love to receive your comments and suggestions!\\xa0You can e mail us at if you like what you hear, please do post comments or a review wherever you downloaded this episode. \\xa0It helps others to find us."