Whats Next in Cybersecurity? Look at Last Year and Expect More

Published: March 29, 2022, 10 a.m.


All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series

The web is awash with sites claiming they know what the security trends will be for 2022. All of them were filled with quotes from security experts at different vendors who "surprise" we\'re saying the big trend is what their product can fix. One publication, eWEEK, had probably the only logical set of trends and they look a lot like what happened in 2021.

This week\\u2019s episode is hosted by me,\\xa0David Spark\\xa0(@dspark), producer of CISO Series and\\xa0Andy Ellis\\xa0(@csoandy), operating partner,\\xa0YL Ventures. Our sponsored guest is Ori Arbel, CTO, CYREBRO.

Thanks to our podcast sponsor, CYREBRO


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In this episode:

  • How should you be handling your security operations center (SOC)?
  • Tips for improving your incident response planning.
  • What are the cloud security trends of 2022?