No Such Thing as a "Deadbeat Dad" (Church, Aug 12)

Published: Aug. 18, 2018, midnight

b'At Church, Jesse explained that there are no such thing as "deadbeat dads." We also discussed silent prayer, anger, forgiving mothers, returning to fathers, the Kingdom of Heaven and Teacher within. VIDEO:

Ernesto asked about Jesse saying that you should marry within your race. In your fallen state, a man may unconsciously try to get away from his mother or father, going to China to marry a woman, and still end up in hell, married to "mama" \\u2014\\xa0attracted to the spirit that he hates. But people call you racist for speaking against what\'s abnormal. He\'s Hispanic, and dated a Korean. He was angry at his father, but he forgave him and moved out.

(Jesse introduces Hector.) Bill asked his 16-year-old daughter to watch Church; she called Jesse "sexist." Not all, not all, not all, but most! Kids don\'t normally hate their fathers, but only by identifying with the mother. Let people suffer! God does. Don\'t force it.

Bill also asks about the verse "by his stripes, we are healed." Jesse explains God restores everything through Christ, but we must love our earthly fathers who represents Christ, who represents God. The attack is on the fathers. People are driven by anger. If men wake up, we get authority back. Men and women must return to their earthly fathers.

Lastly, Bill talks about his stepmother; she had young children when she married his widowed father. He also resented his father. (Don\'t marry stepparents, folks! Kids resent that.) He should go and forgive. He called her a "blessing," yet he resented her. Often people will lie and say, "My mother was a wonderful woman." If they don\'t have love, they can\'t be wonderful.

(Hector explains how he met Jesse at the gym, and asked him for a job.)

Jesse has a challenge question.... But first....

James asks Jean\'s question from the Live Chat on YouTube: She doesn\'t feel anything different with Silent Prayer. Overcome emotions which are from hell, not from God. Relax, have no opinion about it, and don\'t let Satan deceive you.

Jesse tells a story of a man who woke up, and can no longer be emotional with his wife, despite her wishes. Next time she asks, go outside and see if there\'s a blue moon; if there is, then you can. He cracked up. Men should help women overcome the hell in them. Don\'t love the hell in them; love the hell out of them. If the man gets emotional with his wife, everybody suffers. Overcome the fallen state.

Then James asks from online: Can you forgive and still feel angry (No.), but just know that all emotions are not real? (Yes.)

Jesse\'s challenge question: There\'s no such thing as a deadbeat dad. Disagree? One lady says yes: A man not doing his responsibilities because of selfishness, not paying child support. Did he say, "I\'m a deadbeat dad?" (Is her husband beta or alpha? Sorry his father married a stepmother after his mama died.) Joel agrees with the definition of "deadbeat dad."

We talk more on this, as well as about anger, mothers, forgiveness, the Teacher within, and the Kingdom of Heaven within.

Church Sunday 11am PT
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