Everyone on Earth Is Jeffrey Dahmer (Church 11/20/22)

Published: Nov. 20, 2022, 10:21 p.m.

b'Do you see you\'re evil? Every human is Jeffrey Dahmer. Keep mind with body, not in thoughts. BQ: Are you responsible for your own life?

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, November 20, 2022: A father continues to be distracted by son\'s "silent treatment." // Question: Do you see that you are evil? A mother admits she\'s imposing. A man deals with fear at work. // Every human being who believes thoughts is a "Jeffrey Dahmer." (One woman protests this.) Jesse saw a documentary showing the serial killer talking. // Keep the mind with the body. Do not respond to thoughts or attacks from others or from inside you. // It\'s hard for people to admit they\'re evil \\u2014 not them, but the Devil possessing them. Go through the pain. //

Passion is a false feeling. Feelings, both good and bad, are imposters. That\'s not you. // Have you been keeping your mind with your body? The Devil does not want you to be still. //

Biblical Question: Are you responsible for your own life? The Devil talks to you about "the truth." Don\'t have a conversation with him in your mind. // The light of God destroys the darkness. Salvation is of the heart. // Why do you believe you\'re responsible for your life? There is no you. The Devil is divided. Your mind is clouded by darkness. //

Next Assignment: Self-comments\\u2026 When you get a thought, ask who gave you that though. When that thought is followed by a feeling, say it\'s not you feeling that. Practice this to become more aware, and not lost in thought and feeling. //

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our office is closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. We\'ll do the radio show Thursday morning, but not Friday. // Do the Silent Prayer. //

0:00:00 Sun, Nov 20, 2022
0:01:14 Father betrayed son, calls him immature
0:15:01 Do you see that you\'re evil?
0:20:52 Mother: I\'m imposing. Fear at work\\u2026
0:27:18 Everyone is Jeffrey Dahmer
0:39:26 Name of documentary?
0:41:18 Keep the mind with the body
0:43:50 Dahmer, JLP\'s advice for alienated son
0:46:35 Dealing with thoughts, attacks
0:52:28 \'That\\u2019s your opinion\' debate
0:55:11 Hard to admit you\'re evil. Not you but the Devil.
1:00:28 Feel the pain
1:02:20 Passion is a false feeling
1:05:40 We\'re like puppets
1:06:53 Have you kept mind with body?
1:10:05 \'Like\' is a made-up word
1:11:24 Devil doesn\'t want you to be still
1:13:35 Dreams question
1:18:00 BQ: Are you responsible for your own life?
1:19:24 Devil talks about the truth
1:20:08 Child: I have chores
1:22:44 The light destroys the darkness
1:24:15 Salvation is of the heart
1:24:39 Why do you believe you are/aren\'t responsible?
1:28:08 There is no you. The Devil is divided
1:30:40 Mind in the clouds or above them
1:31:25 Next assignment: Self-comments
1:33:25 Pray. Office closed Thu-Fri (Thanksgiving)

BLOG https://rebuildingtheman.com/everyone-one-earth-is-jeffrey-dahmer/

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Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT at BOND in Los Angeles http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

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