Do You Rejoice in the Lord at All Times? | Archive 4/6/14

Published: April 18, 2023, 11:17 p.m.


Many Christians lack gratitude for God. Some are shy about their birthday! Learning enslaves you, while discovery frees you.\\xa0

Archive Sunday Service, April 6, 2014


* 00:00 Pre-service intro: Exploring Your Faith

* 00:28 Welcome to Church

* 01:25 Philippians 3: 1 and 4: 4, Rejoice in the Lord. Do you?

* 03:31 Brendan Eich forced out of Mozilla over support for Prop 8 (CA, 2008)

* 07:42 Gov. Jan Brewer (AZ) pressured to veto religious freedom bill

* 08:27 Do you believe in the Lord, yet not rejoice? No gratitude?

* 10:39 Bad attitude toward birthday acknowledgement!

* 11:30 Do you not tell people it\'s your birthday?

* 14:23 One liar tells everyone but denies it!

* 17:09 Feels like fishing; It\'s nice; Wish list; Humility; Feel unimportant

* 23:28 Job said men are consumed by the world. Appreciate God.

* 34:11 Did Jesus tell everyone his birthday? Be grateful.

* 36:11 Shy people are egotistical, judgmental

* 37:52 Our thoughts/ways are not God\'s thoughts/ways

* 38:53 JLP: We\'ve forgotten God\'s grace

* 43:51 Men\'s Forum: Christian backbiters! Taught religion vs revelation

* 48:12 Read scriptures, but know God with the right attitude.

* 52:33 Talking about God with friends in the right way. Live it.

* 53:33 God lets stubborn people suffer. But all you need is to seek Him.

* 55:49 Become mindful of God. Aware of the moment at all times

* 57:08 Kids don\'t have drama, but appreciate God

* 57:51 Religion beats non-religion, but discovery beats slavery of learning

* 59:17 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His right way

MUSIC: "Changes" (unreleased track) by Jon Parfitt / Bright Lights




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