Language of Faith | Ps. Magno Mendes

Published: Feb. 3, 2016, 9:13 p.m.

b'On December 26th, Worship Leader Magno Mendes brought an amazing word on the importance of having a language of faith. Tune in and be blessed by this great message!\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nBe sure to subscribe to our Podcast and follow us on social media! Feel free to get more information regarding Church ALIVE on our website! Thank you for checking us out here on iTunes!\\nChurch ALIVE\\n\\xa0Love God, Love People, Love Life\\nWebsite:\\nInstagram: @churchalivenj\\nFacebook:\\n\\n**Also if any of these messages have impacted you and would like to provide feedback, have a praise report on how God is working in your life, or need a prayer, please email'