christiantalkthatrocks 10-23-2015

Published: Oct. 24, 2015, 6:26 p.m.

On today's show, 4: 06pm ET: Jeb Bush orders across-the-board pay cuts for struggling campaign - Bush fatigue? - GOP Insiders: Trump nomination looking more likely - cash flowing to Hillary since hearings - Chafey out - we'll examine. Cat 5 Hurricane to slam western Mexico - may flood as far away as East Texas - we'll discuss. Plus, Feds have spent more on origami condoms, obese lesbian studies than on Benghazi Committee - Benghazi victim, Sean Smith's mom breaks down on Megyn Kelley - hear the clip. And, Film maker and director Amy Kohn joins us in the first hour, to discuss her documentary film, "A Courtship." or