Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep,2.12.2020

Published: Feb. 12, 2020, 10:06 p.m.

On today's show, 4:06pm CT, 5:06pm ET: New Hampshire Berns: Bernie Sanders pulls in 26% in NH Primary - Biden bails - Van Jones says 'People are depressed' by primary process" - Top Nevada union warns about Sanders, Warren - Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO rips Bernie Sanders we'll analyze. Carona Panic: Top Hong Kong medical expert predicts more than half the global population will contract coronavirus - Chinese citizen journalist disappears after exposing horrors of coronavirus the gov't is trying to suppress - we'll examine. Plus, U.S. household debt exceeds $14 Trillion for the first time - Fed chief issues stark warning to Congress on deficits. And, Woman wins back right to hold Bible study - Condominium board retreats after banning even Christian music. or