Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 9/27/2022

Published: Sept. 27, 2022, 6:06 p.m.

b'On today\'s show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Run For The Border: Obama claims racism regarding most American\'s opposition to Biden\\u2019s deadly US Southern Border policies - Latino activist\'s realistic view on border angers CNN contributor - GOP Rep. Gimenez: Government shutdown over Border \\u2018a distinct p[possibility\\u2019 - we\'ll analyze. The Jab: 755% spike in excess deaths in kids since vax rollout in Europe - Top vaccine expert with FDA and NIH warns healthy young people not to get COVID-19 booster - Fired pediatric nurse tearfully testifies of vaccine-induced myocarditis in kids - we\'ll examine. Plus, U.S. Postal Service caught tracking mail of 2nd Amendment advocates. And, GOP not looking good in certain tight races. or'