Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 6/30/2021

Published: June 30, 2021, 9:06 p.m.

On today's show, 4:06pm CT, 5:06pm ET: Big Brother Wathching: Tucker Carlson says we've confirmed NSA is spying on us! 'It's a crime. It's not a third world country' - NSA denies spying allegations from Tucker Carlson - Rep. Matt Gaetz calls for inspector general investigation - Does aerial surveillance violate your rights? Court issues decision - we'll examine. School Daze: Girl nails school board - 'I don't want to hear about sexuality during class' - Condemns classes for causing 'confusion and frustration' - Candidate for Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe calls critical race theory concerns a 'right-wing conspiracy' - we'll analyze. And, Off-duty prayer leaves police officer 'twisting in the wind for 4 months' or