Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 6/10/2022

Published: June 10, 2022, 6:05 p.m.

b'New Time! On today\'s show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Bidenflation: Inflation blasts Americans now at 8.6% - hits fresh 40-year high in May with consumer prices - New poll shows Inflation \'most urgent issue\' over gun violence - Dow plummets on news - Treasury Sec. Yellen claims \'Nothing to suggest\' US will have a recession - we\'ll examine. Shock Polls: Support for banning semi-automatic long guns hits all-time low - American trust in government near \\u2018historic lows,\\u2019 Pew finds - Quinnipiac University Poll shows Joe Biden approval rating at only 33% - we\'ll discuss. Plus, CNN op-ed calls for repeal of the Second Amendment: \\u2018Let\'s just get rid of it\\u2019 and claims rooted in prejudice. And, Lying James Comey misled \'Gang of 8\' in Congress over Russiagate new evidence now shows. or'