Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep, 5/1/2019

Published: May 1, 2019, 8:04 p.m.

On today's show, 3pm CT, 4pm ET: Big Bro': NSA Reports 75% increase in unmasking U.S. identities under Foreign Surveillance Law in 2018 - US searches of phones, laptops at airports rising, suit says - we'll explore. Barr Grilled on Hill: Barr-'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue - Mueller's evidence not sufficient for obstruction defense - DOJ's job done, report now 'a matter for the American people' - we'll examine. Plus, Jesus No: Bible verse ignites firestorm at high school - are Public Colleges Silencing the Voices of Faith-Based Student groups? -we'll analyze. or