Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 4/7/2021

Published: April 7, 2021, 9:05 p.m.

On today's show, 4:06pm CT, 5:06pm ET: See BS News?: '60 Minutes' stands by DeSantis story ripped by Democrats as 'malarkey' - Dem critic says CBS left out key info 'because it kneecaps their narrative' - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he's 'punching back' after 'horse manure' CBS report - we'll examine. Build That Wall?: As border crisis grows, Biden Homeland Security considers restarting wall construction - NY Times tells Joe Biden to finish the wall or the next president will - we'll analyze. Plus, China's Government is attempting to brainwash Christians by holding them in mobile "transformation facilities," according to a new report. And, Don Sylvester joins us in the 2nd hour to discuss financial and economic news from a Christian perspective. or