Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 4/28/2022

Published: April 28, 2022, 6:05 p.m.

New Time! On today's show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: It's The Economy S----d: US economy shrank 1.4% at beginning of 2022, marking worst quarter in 2 years - is stagflation back? - recession looming? - Rasmussen Poll says: Biden to blame for higher gas prices - we'll analyze. Vax Scene: Bombshell NIH study finds those with shots had fewer N antibodies even after COVID infection! - Flip Flop Fauci says pandemic phase over - then says misunderstood next day - 3 weeks earlier said was going to get worse - tells interviewer last week concerned about his reputation - we've got the audio. Plus, SHUT UP: DHS creates unit to police speech, new Disinformation Governance Board - land owner in Austin, TX offers Elon Musk 100 acres to build new Twitter headquarters. And, home owner in Illinois finds 63 year old bag of fast food still crispy! - find out whose. or