Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 3.25.2020

Published: March 25, 2020, 9:05 p.m.

On today's show, 4:06pm CT, 5:06pm ET: Financial Educator and 401K expert Don Sylvester joins us in hour 1 to discuss his take on the COVID-19 Economy. Has the Constitution been killed by the Coronavirus? - Govt. scans social media to see who's disobeying quarantines - city dwellers flee to rural areas - we'll examine. Oops: Congress fumbles - Lawmakers ready to vote on 4th, 5th coronavirus spending bill to fix 'mistakes' in $2 trillion bill - full text of stimulus has not been released, but vote expected - we'll analyze. Plus, should churches ignore government orders to close? - violation of freedom of religion? or