Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 2/14/2022

Published: Feb. 14, 2022, 7:06 p.m.

NEW TIME! On today's show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Bombshell: Clinton campaign paid tech firm to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia according to Durham investigation - Former DNI Ratcliffe told Durham intelligence supports ‘multiple’ indictments in probe - KT McFarland rips 'complicit' media for ignoring bombshell Durham probe report - media now egg faced - we'll examine. Turning: Is CNN turning on Biden admin.? - CNN anchor torches Biden for rejecting military reports critical of Afghanistan exit - CNN correspondent says Hard to get 'straight answers' from Democrats on mask mandates - we'll analyze. Plus, Embalmer alarmed by mysterious blood clots in Covid vaccinated people who are deceased. And, military still slow on religious exemptions to vax. or