Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Ep. 1/16/2023

Published: Jan. 16, 2023, 7:06 p.m.

b'On today\'s show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Hey Joe: Yet MORE classified docs found in Biden\'s home, Lawyers find additional pages at Wilmington house - Biden and the pesky presidential records law - No visitor logs exist for Biden\'s Wilmington home WH Counsel\'s Office says - Hunter Listed $49,910 monthly rent payments while living at Joe Biden\\u2019s residence, but Joe didn\'t fully report on taxes - MSM circle wagons around Biden family - we\'ll analyze. Invasion USA: NY Mayor Eric Adams wants $2 Billion to care for "Economic Migrants" - DHS loses control of border, and now it\'s an \'army\' that\'s invading - \'Cartels\' now \'recruiting and employing uniformed soldiers, have intel and control terrain\' - we\'ll examine. Plus, In courts across U.S., religious liberty is on the docket in 2023. And, School Superintendent who removed sexually explicit books now under investigation by Biden Admin. or'