Christian Talk Tha tRocks with Richie L. Ep. 5/31/2022

Published: May 31, 2022, 6:06 p.m.

b'New Time! On today\'s show, 1:06pm CT, 2:06pm ET: Brave New Schools: Rep. Miller-Meeks says schools should be able to use billions in unused COVID money for security - Children\\u2019s Librarians to host founder of \\u2018Beginner\\u2019s Sex Store\\u2019 to discuss sex education for youth - Biden Admin. using Title 9, Let boys into girls showers or we\'ll withhold school-lunch funding - we\'ll examine. Senior Moments: President Joe Biden is not happy about his staffers repeatedly stepping in to clarify his statements, according to a report - feels it necessary to remind them he is the president - Majorities say Biden shows he is too old, not fit to be president. Plus, Turley: Supreme Court escalating hunt for \'Roe\' opinion leaker. or'