Can Your Kids Be Whoever They Want to Be in Life? - Ep. 81

Published: Dec. 4, 2023, 10 a.m.


There is a powerful and pervasive cultural myth being piped into our kids these days, and you are a bad parent if you don\\u2019t buy into it. The myth says that our kids can be whoever they want to be in life.




Is this idea BIBLICAL?




Is it TRUE or even REALISTIC?




In this solo episode, Catherine tackles this topic head on to establish what is Biblical and what is cultural when it comes to the dreams that our children pursue in life.




The idea that you can be whoever you want to be is the central theme in countless books, movies, and television shows. If you can dream it, you can be it. So the pressure is on for parents to support our child\\u2019s dream no matter what it is. After all, one of the most popular verses in the Bible tells us that \\u201cI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.\\u201d (Phil. 4:13)




We often fail to note that this verse is cherry-picked out of a section where Paul talks about his countless struggles, sharing how he has learned contentment with little or with much, in hunger or well fed. This verse is often used to promote the pursuit of a glorious dream yielding material success. It is seldom used to console someone whose dream has been crushed. And yet Paul said that in Christ, we can be content in both of those realities.




Can our kid be whoever they want to be in life?








Nor do we want them to be.




But our kids can be who God created them to be in life. And who God has created them to be is the most exciting and fulfilling dream that our kids can pursue. God\\u2019s plan is what we should all be aiming for in life. As parents, we should let our kids see us aim for that mark, and hopefully they will learn to do the same.








World Magazine




\\u201cThe Hill: Sports film inspires but falls into familiar prosperity Gospel trap\\u201d by Collin Garbarino




The Hill (2023)








Philippians 4:6




Philippians 4:8




Philippians 4:11-13

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