065R | Don't Waste It

Published: March 9, 2018, 8 a.m.


065R | College hacks, a great credit card debt hack and the importance of not wasting your privileges.

What you\\u2019ll hear in today\\u2019s show:

  • Voicemail from Chris about replacing broken items
  • Review of Monday\\u2019s episode with Mrs Frugalwoods
  • Why you shouldn\\u2019t waste your advantages
  • Voicemail from Steve about educational programs
  • The student debt loan movement happening in March
  • Voicemail from Noah about a college hack
  • Voicemail from Millionaire Educator on another college hack
  • Nicholas\\u2019 hack on optimizing credit card debt
  • Voicemail from Kelly about tax liability vs withholding
  • Apple Podcasts review and book giveaway


Links from the show



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